Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tale of Twitch
The scars on my body still scream when I think of that day. I've tried to forget, pierced the memories with copious amounts of alcohol. I was happy once, I had a good job making sure the scum of Zaun couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Then.... he came.
He was known as Twitch, because that was the first thing you'd do when you saw him. A sick pedophile that pleasured himself with kidnapping innocent children. He had a long history of psychotic episodes in mental institutions. Somehow, he escaped and continued to plague the world with his lustful disease. We were fortunate, at the time, to have finally caught him. The day started off so well...
Ten a.m. we brought him into lockup, we were gonna put him away for life. Several kidnappings, and who knows how many we missed. We found them in his basement, a dungeon you could call it. Chained to the wall like rats in a cage. He would use small amounts of poison to keep them weak, barely alive. He found it was easier to keep them captive if they didn't struggle. We still haven't figured out how he did it, they just vanished into thin air. Weeks later when the family was desperate, he would demand ransom. It was a lucky break that we finally found his lair.
A pharmaceutical supplier was how he acquired his various range of poisons. Anonymous cash payments kept him under the radar. It so happened that he finally made a mistake. A clerk noticed blood on his pants, something Twitch failed to notice himself. He reported it to the local authorities who played their cards right. They followed him to his lair and captured him there. It was a victory for law enforcement, families were reunited with loved ones. Although some victories are short-lived...
At noon the warden was approached by a strange man. He revealed himself to be a prize-winning chemist, and he needed a favor. The warden needed funding, his prison was low on guards and desperately needed another cell block built. His name was Singed, and he gave a rather enticing proposal. "One million dollars and I get to experiment on a few inmates" he offered. The warden was disgusted, "That's absurd! You could kill them!" he yelled. Singed knew it was a tough sell, so he stressed the financial support. "Now don't give me that look warden, you know as well as I do that you need the money" he said. "Your guards are working triple shifts, they are bound to leave eventually with how poorly you treat them" he lectured. "Your jail is overcrowded, you risk good men and women dying if you have an uprising" he continued. "And let’s not forgot that everyone here is paid next to nothing" he said. The warden was backed into a corner, no good man would easily forsake the lives of others. His moral dilemma was hastened by the fact that the chemist turned his back and started to walk away. "Wait!" the warden cried. Singed gave a wicked smile and then turned to face the warden. "I knew you'd change your tune" he said laughingly.
Two p.m. Twitch was brought into Singed's laboratory located near the prison. "What am I doing here?" Twitch asked. Singed said nothing. "Who are you? I don't like the looks of this" Twitch stammered. The chemist continued his eerie silence. He gathered his supplies and began to mix his devious concoction. "You sir, are going to be my experiment" he finally said. Twitch's eyes popped and his jaw dropped, "WHAT?" he screamed. "I..I...I don't deserve this!" he pleaded. Singed ceased to communicate. "No please! I'll do anything!" he cried. Singed grew tired of his relentless lamentation and gagged the wicked pedophile. Twitch was strapped to a table with a tube intravenously pumping a serum into his bloodstream. The liquid was dark green and could visibly be seen paving up his arm towards his heart. Twitch's eyes rolled back and he passed out.
Six p.m. Singed stirred his subject. "Wakey wakey Twitchey" he said. Twitch slowly regained consciousness and noticed a protrusion on his face. "What...what have you done to me?" he asked accusingly. "Oh my fellow, I've manipulated your DNA to properly represent your personality" he explained. Singed rolled a large mirror to show Twitch the results of his experiment. His former human body was no more, he was transformed into a hideous rodent. Twitch let out a sorrowful scream "No! I'm....I'm a rat!" he cried. "How could you do this to me?" he continued. "What possible reason could you have to ruin my life in this way?" he asked. Singed suddenly grew angry, although he was feeling deeply saddened. After a moment of staring a mile away his gaze turned to Twitch. "You killed my son, my wife killed herself for what you did" he explained. "She couldn't live another day knowing what had happened" he continued. "I swore that day I would have revenge on you, and that you would spend the rest of your life regretting that horrible day!" he screamed. Twitch was filled with rage, poison began to pump through his veins instead of blood. It began to ooze out of his fingers and mouth. Suddenly, Twitch disappeared. "What? Where did he go? No! This can't be happening!" he said panicking. The next moment he heard a sinister laugh, he followed the sound. It was coming from his chemical closet, and that was the last thing he remembered.
Eight p.m. the prison got news that Twitch had escaped, we formed a search party. Ten of us went out that night, and only I returned. The screams of terror fill my mind with images of my friends dying before my eyes. It happened in the forest next to the prison. Twitch ambushed us, killed three men all with the same shots. Somehow he had a crossbow and wielded it like a madman. The bolts pierced their bodies like a warm knife through butter. Poison tipped bolts so even the wounded succumbed eventually. The next moment he disappeared again and then he was right behind us. A flurry of shots flew right passed me, and killed the six others instantly. "I have a special present for you" a voice said. The blood drained from my face and I began to shake nervously. First I heard him to the right, then to the left, over and over he was all around me. Then I heard the laugh, it sounded like he was enjoying this. I turned to face him and all I saw was a ghastly rodent with poison fangs lunging at me. He slashed my chest and bit my nose off, I collapsed instantly. I awoke the next day in urgent care, barely alive. We never heard of what really happened. Supposedly the chemist had an accident and was never heard from again.
He was known as Twitch, because that was the first thing you'd do when you saw him. A sick pedophile that pleasured himself with kidnapping innocent children. He had a long history of psychotic episodes in mental institutions. Somehow, he escaped and continued to plague the world with his lustful disease. We were fortunate, at the time, to have finally caught him. The day started off so well...
Ten a.m. we brought him into lockup, we were gonna put him away for life. Several kidnappings, and who knows how many we missed. We found them in his basement, a dungeon you could call it. Chained to the wall like rats in a cage. He would use small amounts of poison to keep them weak, barely alive. He found it was easier to keep them captive if they didn't struggle. We still haven't figured out how he did it, they just vanished into thin air. Weeks later when the family was desperate, he would demand ransom. It was a lucky break that we finally found his lair.
A pharmaceutical supplier was how he acquired his various range of poisons. Anonymous cash payments kept him under the radar. It so happened that he finally made a mistake. A clerk noticed blood on his pants, something Twitch failed to notice himself. He reported it to the local authorities who played their cards right. They followed him to his lair and captured him there. It was a victory for law enforcement, families were reunited with loved ones. Although some victories are short-lived...
At noon the warden was approached by a strange man. He revealed himself to be a prize-winning chemist, and he needed a favor. The warden needed funding, his prison was low on guards and desperately needed another cell block built. His name was Singed, and he gave a rather enticing proposal. "One million dollars and I get to experiment on a few inmates" he offered. The warden was disgusted, "That's absurd! You could kill them!" he yelled. Singed knew it was a tough sell, so he stressed the financial support. "Now don't give me that look warden, you know as well as I do that you need the money" he said. "Your guards are working triple shifts, they are bound to leave eventually with how poorly you treat them" he lectured. "Your jail is overcrowded, you risk good men and women dying if you have an uprising" he continued. "And let’s not forgot that everyone here is paid next to nothing" he said. The warden was backed into a corner, no good man would easily forsake the lives of others. His moral dilemma was hastened by the fact that the chemist turned his back and started to walk away. "Wait!" the warden cried. Singed gave a wicked smile and then turned to face the warden. "I knew you'd change your tune" he said laughingly.
Two p.m. Twitch was brought into Singed's laboratory located near the prison. "What am I doing here?" Twitch asked. Singed said nothing. "Who are you? I don't like the looks of this" Twitch stammered. The chemist continued his eerie silence. He gathered his supplies and began to mix his devious concoction. "You sir, are going to be my experiment" he finally said. Twitch's eyes popped and his jaw dropped, "WHAT?" he screamed. "I..I...I don't deserve this!" he pleaded. Singed ceased to communicate. "No please! I'll do anything!" he cried. Singed grew tired of his relentless lamentation and gagged the wicked pedophile. Twitch was strapped to a table with a tube intravenously pumping a serum into his bloodstream. The liquid was dark green and could visibly be seen paving up his arm towards his heart. Twitch's eyes rolled back and he passed out.
Six p.m. Singed stirred his subject. "Wakey wakey Twitchey" he said. Twitch slowly regained consciousness and noticed a protrusion on his face. "What...what have you done to me?" he asked accusingly. "Oh my fellow, I've manipulated your DNA to properly represent your personality" he explained. Singed rolled a large mirror to show Twitch the results of his experiment. His former human body was no more, he was transformed into a hideous rodent. Twitch let out a sorrowful scream "No! I'm....I'm a rat!" he cried. "How could you do this to me?" he continued. "What possible reason could you have to ruin my life in this way?" he asked. Singed suddenly grew angry, although he was feeling deeply saddened. After a moment of staring a mile away his gaze turned to Twitch. "You killed my son, my wife killed herself for what you did" he explained. "She couldn't live another day knowing what had happened" he continued. "I swore that day I would have revenge on you, and that you would spend the rest of your life regretting that horrible day!" he screamed. Twitch was filled with rage, poison began to pump through his veins instead of blood. It began to ooze out of his fingers and mouth. Suddenly, Twitch disappeared. "What? Where did he go? No! This can't be happening!" he said panicking. The next moment he heard a sinister laugh, he followed the sound. It was coming from his chemical closet, and that was the last thing he remembered.
Eight p.m. the prison got news that Twitch had escaped, we formed a search party. Ten of us went out that night, and only I returned. The screams of terror fill my mind with images of my friends dying before my eyes. It happened in the forest next to the prison. Twitch ambushed us, killed three men all with the same shots. Somehow he had a crossbow and wielded it like a madman. The bolts pierced their bodies like a warm knife through butter. Poison tipped bolts so even the wounded succumbed eventually. The next moment he disappeared again and then he was right behind us. A flurry of shots flew right passed me, and killed the six others instantly. "I have a special present for you" a voice said. The blood drained from my face and I began to shake nervously. First I heard him to the right, then to the left, over and over he was all around me. Then I heard the laugh, it sounded like he was enjoying this. I turned to face him and all I saw was a ghastly rodent with poison fangs lunging at me. He slashed my chest and bit my nose off, I collapsed instantly. I awoke the next day in urgent care, barely alive. We never heard of what really happened. Supposedly the chemist had an accident and was never heard from again.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
League of Pimping: A Sivir story
When the questions arise as to Sivir's past, she often changes the subject. The Battle Mistress wasn't always on the field of battle. Some say that there are but a few who remain from Sivir's past, most have been assassinated in the night. I am one of those few. I risk my life to tell this story, and it may be my last.
Growing up on the streets of Noxus wasn't easy, Sivir was abandoned and became an orphan. She had pride in herself, and wanted to make her own way in life. This pride slowly became whittled down to a shriveled husk we know as self-loathing. Begging for food, frail and weak, she was approached by a mysterious benefactor.
"Well look what we have here" the man in the hat said. He had a cajun accent and wore a cape. "May I please have some gold?" Sivir begged. "I am starving and haven't eaten for days" she continued. Her eyes were then focused on his right hand, which seemed to be playing with a card. "Oh I have some gold, but first I have a job for you" he offered.
[Three years later....]
It hadn't been easy but Sivir sold herself time and time again to make a living. She had grown jaded and felt like there was nothing else life had to offer. She entered the Cajun's pimpmobile for what seemed like the hundreth time. "Let's go party" he said enthusiastically. Sivir never enjoyed those parties, dancing naked in front of strangers was something she never got used to. "I thought you said you had a secretary job for me, I've been waiting for months!" Sivir lamented. "Oh don't fret darlin' it's just one more, and then you can have whatever you please" the man replied.
Upon arriving to the hotel Sivir noticed the usual lot, seedy whores escorted by dirty pigs. "Wait here I gotta handle some business" he said. The Cajun marched up to the escort and slapped him across the face. "What'you doin with my lady?" Sivir had a bad feeling and followed. The escort was a tall husky man with a hypodermic needle sticking out of his shoulder. He instantly became enraged and unsheathed his giant butcher's cleaver. "MUNDO ANGRY!" he screamed. The Cajun took a couple steps back and shuffled his deck, pulling out a golden card. Sivir immediately positioned herself behind the large man. The Cajun flicked his epic card at the large man's face, and he was barely affected by it. Fire engulfed his whole body and he charged the Cajun with immense force. The Cajun tried to shuffle for another card but he was too late, the enormous monster was right on top of him. At that moment Sivir let out a piercing cry "Shyaa!" and knocked the large man unconscious. The Cajun's jaw dropped, he was stunned. "Sugar you just saved my life, you got talent I never seen" he said. "This no place for you, I'm gonna get you a real job suited to your skills" he continued.
It's been a long time since I seen that beautiful Sivir, but then I heard she joined up with the League. So I grabbed my deck of cards and started my journey.
Growing up on the streets of Noxus wasn't easy, Sivir was abandoned and became an orphan. She had pride in herself, and wanted to make her own way in life. This pride slowly became whittled down to a shriveled husk we know as self-loathing. Begging for food, frail and weak, she was approached by a mysterious benefactor.
"Well look what we have here" the man in the hat said. He had a cajun accent and wore a cape. "May I please have some gold?" Sivir begged. "I am starving and haven't eaten for days" she continued. Her eyes were then focused on his right hand, which seemed to be playing with a card. "Oh I have some gold, but first I have a job for you" he offered.
[Three years later....]
It hadn't been easy but Sivir sold herself time and time again to make a living. She had grown jaded and felt like there was nothing else life had to offer. She entered the Cajun's pimpmobile for what seemed like the hundreth time. "Let's go party" he said enthusiastically. Sivir never enjoyed those parties, dancing naked in front of strangers was something she never got used to. "I thought you said you had a secretary job for me, I've been waiting for months!" Sivir lamented. "Oh don't fret darlin' it's just one more, and then you can have whatever you please" the man replied.
Upon arriving to the hotel Sivir noticed the usual lot, seedy whores escorted by dirty pigs. "Wait here I gotta handle some business" he said. The Cajun marched up to the escort and slapped him across the face. "What'you doin with my lady?" Sivir had a bad feeling and followed. The escort was a tall husky man with a hypodermic needle sticking out of his shoulder. He instantly became enraged and unsheathed his giant butcher's cleaver. "MUNDO ANGRY!" he screamed. The Cajun took a couple steps back and shuffled his deck, pulling out a golden card. Sivir immediately positioned herself behind the large man. The Cajun flicked his epic card at the large man's face, and he was barely affected by it. Fire engulfed his whole body and he charged the Cajun with immense force. The Cajun tried to shuffle for another card but he was too late, the enormous monster was right on top of him. At that moment Sivir let out a piercing cry "Shyaa!" and knocked the large man unconscious. The Cajun's jaw dropped, he was stunned. "Sugar you just saved my life, you got talent I never seen" he said. "This no place for you, I'm gonna get you a real job suited to your skills" he continued.
It's been a long time since I seen that beautiful Sivir, but then I heard she joined up with the League. So I grabbed my deck of cards and started my journey.
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